Pelton Crane OCR Rebuild Sterilizer 9" Dia x 18" Deep

Regular price $2,900.00
This is a work horse of a sterilizer. It will work forever for you. Pelton & Crane OCR Sterilizer. 9" x 18" chamber. Replacement parts are readily available from both the manufacturer and other sources. It is ideally suited for oral surgery practices groups and other specialty practices. This sterilizer comes with auto shut off, and auto venting mechanism.

When we refurbish the Pelton Crane OCR, we ...

1. Replace all three heaters
2. Replace filter
3. Install New Gasket
4. Rewire the entire sterilizer with temperature sensitive wire
5. Upgrade to a larger reservoir
6. Install New Temperature and Pressure Gauges
7. Calibrate for more accurate temperature & pressure reading
8. Install 'Over Pressure' Safety Valve
9. Upgrade to our Automatic Shut Off System
10. Upgrade to our Automatic Venting System
11. Upgrade and strengthen the chamber.

One year warranty for parts and labor. (except door gasket, filter & freight)